5 Keys to Unlocking Your Next Level of Abundance



What if I told you that wealth and abundance is your natural state?

What if I told you that the number one thing keeping you from having the wealth and the abundance that you deserve… that you are worthy of… is your belief that it’s not possible for you.

Welcome to The Abundance Codes

This is a 5 day abundance experience where you will tap into, and learn to live in limitless abundance.

In this workshop I’ll help you understand…

  • How to identify the deep coding and beliefs you may be holding that are stopping you from the abundance you deserve 

  • How to reprogram your beliefs and mindset around money

  • How to create a new level of trust with yourself on your way to creating limitless abundance 

  • You’re ready to embrace a new story of unlimited abundance in your life 

Because you are worthy to be, to do and to have whatever your heart desires.  


Does this sound like you?

  • You want to be able to stop constantly worrying about money

  • You see other people making great money, and you want to be able to do that too

  • You’re tired of feeling trapped in your circumstances, and you’re ready to make a change

  • You want to be able to look at your bank accounts without feeling anxious

  • You want to release all the fear and anxiety you have about ‘losing it all’

  • You’re so ready to create a new relationship with your money, and experience a sense of ease and flow

  • You’re ready to create a luxury lifestyle for yourself without feeling guilty for wanting more for yourself

Abundance is not just about money and the overflow of good things in life (though it's fabulous to KNOW how to attract that) — it is also living with freedom and confidence, certainty and purpose.

True abundance is living a life where your heart, mind, and soul are aligned, and you’re living with purpose and on purpose.

Imagine having this sense of ease and flow, awareness and abundance in all areas of your life... what would that do for you?

I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be leading a five day live online event called The Abundance Codes.

This is a paradigm shifting, transformational workshop.

Imagine what it would be like to....

  • Have zero fear of your financial situation
  • To become one of those people who “make it rain”
  • Have the confidence that you can make more than enough money
  • Trust that money will flow to you easily

So what’s holding you back from having the wealth you want in your life?

What if I told you that its…YOU!

It’s the beliefs that you hold about what is possible for you. And many of these beliefs are subconscious…so you’re not even aware that you gave them.

How do you know you have subconscious beliefs holding you back? Look at your bank account. Your external circumstances are ALWAYS a reflection of your internal beliefs. And the language of your subconscious mind is feelings…and so what feelings do you have about money?

Let me introduce myself…

My name is Sandra, and I’m a self-made millionaire.

I share that not to brag, but to show you that it is absolutely possible for you to have the abundance (including money) that you dream of.

I was born in poverty – literally raised in a mud hit with no running water or electricity. I’ve been there having to choose which bill to pay. Turning off the lights so the landlord wouldn’t know I was home to ask for the very late rent. Parking my car 5 blocks away so the repo man wouldn’t see it. Hunting through jacket pockets and under the couch cushions for spare change to put gas in the car. Not answering my phone in case it was creditors chasing their money... Having to make excuses when I couldn’t join my girlfriends for dinners or trips because I couldn’t afford it.

Today I have successful businesses, live in a multi-million dollar home, and I drive my dream car. But more valuable than the material things is the peace and confidence I have to know that I can create abundance in my life.

So what changed?

Did I go from believing that money was hard to come by, that I had to work hard for money, and that I would never have enough… to now being financially abundant?

I learned that money doesn’t come from hard work.

Money doesn’t come from worrying about money.

How I feel about money impacts my ability to attract money.

The beliefs I was taught about money growing up are myths, and I learned how to change my beliefs.

I'm a Transformational Coach for women like you.

For women who deserve more, crave impact, and want to make money doing what they love. My passion is teaching how you can let go of the limiting stories and beliefs.

Money is not the most valuable resource we have. There is a far more valuable resource that many of us are not using wisely.

SO if you’ve read this far, then I know that something resonated with you. You’ve tried doing it your way, and it’s just not getting you the results you want. You feel bad about your situation…and your self-worth has probably suffered a knock out.

Most of our beliefs are imprinted in our subconscious minds by the time we are 7 years old from our elders, environment, and society. And most of that is a made-up story based on the limitations of their beliefs. Our parents did the best they knew how with what they knew then. But now it’s time for you to do different…to do better. This workshop is not the next investment idea, or get rich quick scheme. It’s about teaching you the step BEFORE you get the money.

To end your struggle with money forever, you have to change the way you think…and the way you FEEL about money.

If you the thought of changing sounds too hard, or scares you, or if you’re committed to continuing to struggle, then this workshop ISN’T for you. If you’re reading this and thinking that your struggles with money will never end, or that you’re not worthy of having what you want in your life.

But if you’re tired of working harder and harder, but not seeing the results, then maybe it’s time you tried something different.

But if you’re thinking maybe…just maybe…this might be what you need to be different and do different, then I’d love for you to join me in this masterclass.

What this Transformative Workshop will help you uncover...

  • How your self-worth affects your net worth
  • How your mindset influences your feelings, actions, & results
  • How to uncover YOUR subconscious money beliefs and stories
  • How to release the shame, guilt or embarrassment you’ve been taught about money
  • How to overcome the obstacles holding you back from making the money you want 
  • And much, much more!

I want to help women like you remove the hustle, rebuild your self-confidence and self-worth, and create the financial abundance you dream of.  

Good vibes & positive thoughts won't make change happen.

To change your money stories and create abundance you must dig deep and uncover the hidden beliefs holding you back.

I will be personally coaching you on what has taken me decades to learn (and unlearn) to shift my story from one of money scarcity to money abundance.

Isn’t it time you stepped off the emotional roller-coaster of lack, and allowed money to flow to you?

Join The Abundance Codes Masterclass for Only $111


During this transformational event you will discover...

  • How to identify the mental blocks standing in the way of your success

  • How to align your conscious desires and subconscious beliefs

  • How to overcome the common pitfalls knock entrepreneurs off course

  • How to prepare yourself for the abundance you are worthy of!

  • And much more!

All in just 1 hour a day for 5 days!



What if a $111 ticket & 5 hours of your time was the key to unlocking the life of abundance you’ve been desperately fighting for?


Don’t let this Masterclass pass you by.


What's it like to learn from Sandra?

Real Testimonials from her Coaching Clients…

Helped Me Make Two Big Decisions

“Acceptance was mind blowing for me. Reflecting on my sameness has helped me make two big decisions this month and I was not even aware that it was me pausing on my sameness that made me realize that I really don’t want to stay there. My pattern is giving up on my goals before I even start, because now I know that I am subconsciously protecting myself from failure and disappointing myself.”

- Neliswa M.


“Wow, for me it has been a week of BIG WINS. It has been really phenomenal. After Day One, I put away the fear and went to present my WORTH to a client. What do you know? They agreed that I am worth a whole lot more and they are recompensing me now inline with my worth! I should have presented my worth way back, but I am glad I had the realization now and managed to make the change. All along it was me keeping myself away from my worth.”

- Joyce S.

Such A Great Twist

“I love the statement that fear will be with us if we act or stay static. Such a great twist on how to view things. My biggest takeaways are about naming my obstacles. Two new ones leapt to my attention today!”

- Patty W.

I Really Felt Energized

“I had a really busy day yesterday, but Sandra always achieves to get me in the here and now with her thoughts. After the session I really felt energized and curious about being more aware about my thoughts in my current situation.”

- Berta B.

Important To Be Grounded

“Today’s session reminded me that before jumping to make changes it is so important to be grounded, to accept where I am and to contemplate my current state of being.”

- Sharon I.


“Thank you for the thought-provoking talk. I realized that sabotaging myself has become a habit that involved fear and being in my comfort zone.”

- Molly M.

Day 3 Moved Me...

“Day 3 moved me. It was great to get that moment where your eyes are opened and you realize EXACTLY what you need to do. Forever grateful.”

- Lynette N.

Thank You So Much For Your Selflessness

“I am waiting for Day Four like my life depends on it! Thank you so much for your selflessness and obeying your inner voice to share this wisdom with us.”

- Cleopatra P.

Join The Abundance Codes Masterclass today!

Date: June 14-18, 2022
YES! I want to join today!

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